Renew your NDIS Registration 101
Here is a basic guide to the steps and timelines for businesses who are looking to renew their NDIS Registration.
Watch our webinar NDIS Audit Update and Support here!
step one: find your expiry date
All currently NDIS registered businesses have been provided with an expiry date. This date is on the Certificate of Registration which was mailed and emailed to current service providers. You can also find it by navigating from the NDIS portal to the NDIS Commission portal. The NDIS Commission have a guide to this here.
Use the guide at the link under the button below to help you to navigate to the FORMAL RENEWAL button. Once you have clicked this button you will ensure that you will not be kicked off the NDIS Provider list after your expiry date which means that you can continue to claim via the NDIS portal. You now have until 9 MONTHS AFTER THE EXPIRY DATE ON YOUR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION to complete the online self assessment AND the audit.
Completing the online renewal application will help you to determine which audit you have to do as well as identify the gaps in your business that you will need to fill in order to meet your compliance obligations. You do not have to submit this form in a particular timeframe although the online application AND audit MUST be completed by 9 months after your expiry date.
The self assessment follows the Practice Standards exactly. It can take some time and we recommend that you leave yourself plenty of space to get this done.
read the practice standards
The Practice Standards and the Quality Indicators are required reading.
You will be able to determine which ones are relevant to your business once you know which audit you have to complete.
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION and engage your auditor
Once you are happy with your online application (self assessment), click the submit button.
You will receive a Scope of Audit document via email.
You send this document to the auditors in order to obtain specific quotes.
You have 60 days to engage an auditor. They will log into the Commission Portal and connect with you there.
TIP: ask all approved auditors for a quote. There has been a large range in prices.
begin your preparation for audit
Identify systems and documents that you already have in place that demonstrate that your business practices are in line with the Practice Standards.
You will need to identify any gaps and what you might need to develop to fill these gaps.
Remember for those people completing a site audit (Certification), auditors will want to see evidence, read evidence and hear evidence - through observing practice, reading documents and interviews with staff and clients. You will need to demonstrate that you not only have policies in place but you are actually practising in accordance with them.
complete your audit
For those completing Verification (sole traders and partnerships offering low risk supports), your documents and evidence can be either uploaded to the portal or sent directly to your chosen auditor. Your audit is completed by desktop only.
For those completing Certification - Stage One of the (Certification) audit is a read through of your self-assessment and evidence that you have either uploaded to the portal or sent through to your chosen auditor.
Stage two of the (Certification) audit is the actual site audit, you will need to be available on this day and you should factor this cost into the cost of NDIS Registration.
Following the completion of your audit, the auditor will submit a report to the Commission which will contain recommendations as to whether you should be accepted to be a registered provider.
Once the NDIS Commission have reviewed this report your information will sync with the NDIA and you will receive formal approval of your registration.